About Me

One thing to know about me, I am a people person first and foremost. To me, connection is what life is all about, and what is more beautiful than the connection a family grows over the years. I have loved becoming "The Family's Photographer," capturing life's big moments as they evolve. I've watched couples in love take major steps together, whether it is expanding the family, celebrating a significant moment, or getting ready to the holiday season. It is nice to have a trusted photographer who is familiar, so photos end up being relaxed and dare I say fun. 

My approach with photography is to toggle between documentary style and lifestyle photography. We all like having images we can post on social media or on holiday cards where you can see everyone's faces. Not only will those be captured, but so will the sweet little moments in between. The candid connection you have with your family, the ones that ooze the spirit of who you were in at that point in time, are my favorite. 

When you book with me, you are booking someone who will prioritize comfort and natural lighting over all else. The more comfortable you feel, the better the pictures will be. All I need is a good window in your house, or daylight outside, and wonderful photos will be captured. I encourage you to trust that you and your family (as they are in their natural form) are stunning, and I feel absolutely blessed to be invited to be a part of it even for just a moment. 

So invite me for a playdate at your favorite park, or over at the house to bake cookies. Maybe you are celebrating an anniversary, birthday, or welcoming a new member of the family. As your family photographer, I am here for it all. 

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